Monday 10 June 2013

        Hey there guys this is doctor D from techno treatment, this is a place where you can get all you tech piles gadget shots and all the geek diagnostics you can need.  In this post we are going to talk about E3 and WWDC XIII, we all know that both of these are going to held in the same week in the second week of June. The E3 is hosted by the Entertainment Software Association, or ESA is held at Los Angeles Convention center and Apple's WWDC is held at  Moscone Center in downtown San Franciso. Even though we cant give you the live update which we will try our best to do we will surely be covering the post effect of both the events. So what is the big question here, which is the event that you should be covering or should be expecting and we are going to discuss about it here in detail.

                                      E3 as for those people who don't know much about E3, it is Electronic Entertainment Expo, which will feature mostly the entertainment part of the technology which is meaning mostly the games and the consoles for gaming, on the other hand WWDC is the World Wide Developers Conference held by Apple its developers, here it is about software, but many a times Apple has stunned us by give us awesome gadgets in WWDC, but will they be doing that this time, sources say no this is mostly about software like the iOS 7 and OS X.
                         When we talk about E3, it filled with gaming and what comes to your mind when you talk about gaming its the consoles which we use to play games and the main competitors in gaming consoles are Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo and lets not forget the PC gaming which is in the dark side for few years, here at E3 all the best games for all the platform are going to make a appearance and make their mark in here. But this is not the thing which which is killing every one, it is the consoles, after Sony told about their PS4 which will be featured on E3 and the Xbox one which is the latest Xbox which was showcased on May 21st, the console war is heating up. Nintendo is not going to make any appearance with a  major press conference at E3 as we heard there will be small events and few demo all over the Best Buy stores. Many are so much eager in seeing the PS4 since the One console was show and was great entertainment machine, its time to see the PS4 so that on which the money should be put on. As we have told the PS4 will be more of a gaming console than a entertainment machine in your living room. Sources say that PS Vita is going to be reduced in cost and made as an accessory for the PS4. We are hoping that we are going to see some great games flagships like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Battlefield 4, Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag and lots more.

           Enough of games then lets held on to WWDC which is the Apples conference which is held once a year to get the developers have an insight of the software that are being developed by apple. This event has been an great chance for the developer to interact with the people at Apple, so that when we get the software update we will  be having apps which will utilize the new features in that version of the software. All these years WWDC has not been just for software we have been shocked by awesome hardware presentation too so with this i am hoping to see a new Mac pro, which had not been revised for years. But as  we are told we wont be seeing any new hardware, the main attraction is the showcasing of the iOS 7 and OS X. We all have seen that there has not been much of any design changes in the iOS through out the years, this is because they don't want to threaten their users with a massive change, when many non techies use the phone when it is altered too much they will be doomed, so all the changes in iOS have been subtle  and we are hoping to see the same in this years WWDC. There are rumors about a iRadio service and the laptops of Apples being replaced by Haswell which i think will be little over expectation. I am hoping to see the big time rumor of iWatch a watch which is designed by apple. The internet based radio service is more likely to features in the event along with the new iOS and OS X designs, well lets hope for the best and will see what it turns out.

                  If you ask me what to follow i would say if you are a gamer who is much into gaming and never misses any thing in the gaming world then i would advice you to head on and look into the E3, whereas if you are a Apple fanatic then its obvious you have to keep track of WWDC, but if you are both what should you do we have answer for that too. keep track of the Apple's WWDC XIII by clicking here Live WWDC Coverage By CNET. Catch E3 by clicking here Live Stream Of E3.                       
Posted by Divakar On 07:58 No comments


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